Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

The Affects of Slogans On Brand Building

Stepping a little 'far from the already mentioned McWitchhunt (that is, if someone sues McDonalds in the food sector, which has a name beginning with "MC") is a closer look at such things as slogans and short sentences, and the certainty the right things in connection with this things.
Slogan is one of the most important marketing tools. E 'wrong to believe that the main battlefield of the company in marketing, advertising, billboards or large, in reality these people are fighting for our brain. If you are in a store and see 20 types of toothpaste, will surely choose, you know. If you do not have much time to read the packets and comparing products. So, what you buy is the one with the most memorable advertising slogans, or which, in your brain.
If there are some standard rules for the generation of a marketing slogan. The slogan must be short and memorable. It must be easy to read and understand. The expression must have a positive significance in general, as many of the existing rates are not suitable for building a positive publicity. What has a positive meaning for you can have a negative meaning for someone else.
The legal part of the slogan and the short period is not so complicated, is the intellectual property of some importance. First, they are "de minimis, or too small to provide for the copyright. However, if the phrase is used in conjunction with a product or service that you can to protect it, especially from federal funds registered under trademark law. Trademark lawyers and prosecutors in the details of a brand. After that, the rights under trademark law would be just to stop using other products or services. Just like the Mc in the food sector, which has already been said. However, there have been some cases where the film stopped, the use of phrases like "I Tarzan, you Jane" or "ET Phone Home" for goods. So, basically, is not a slogan or a short sentence, unless it is used in conjunction with a product or service
Probably the best slogan in the world of Nike "Just Do It, famous. It was founded in 1988 by co-founder Dan Wieden of Wieden + Kennedy advertising agency. Apart from the fact that he's brilliant, is still a slogan for the Nike. Many of the artists with a slogan and a Dutch pop singer Kim-Lian also released an album with a name, no one in front. Perhaps it is because the slogan is in connection with Nike that will be impossible to make them with any other product. In case of intellectual property, it is better to spend more on the creation of a unique and memorable, because the money for the protection of an appropriate motto of copyright by its competitors.

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